Sunday 2 March 2014


1) Act of charity should be encouraged among teenagers.

              Nowadays, we can see less act charity among the teenagers. An act of charity is very important because it is noble values that must be developed in the every teenagers so they would not look down on other people and grateful for what they have. Emphaty can be defined as a feeling of a very deep sympathy. so, the youth should have this attitude and they will be able to feel the hardship faced by the people around them who do not have a perfect life. Besides that, by doing the charity can instill respect for other people in the teens themselves by using a good communication language, polite attitude and so on. The charity also able to express grateful on each youth to have the perfect life from others. With the availability of this grateful, teenagers will never look down on the deficiencies of the others but they are trying to help those in need.

2) The benefits of doing presentations

               We can see a lot of benefits that can be obtained through presentation activities in schools and universities. Doing presentation can improve fluency in communication. This is because prior to the presentation, students will practice the information to be presented in a way memorized and understand the information. At the same time, presentation activity can build self - confident of abilities that they have and also can eliminated fear and shame when you want to confronted with the public. Presentation can also increase social interaction. This is because in most instances, the activity of presentation will be divided into several groups. So, the students will be able to communicate with each member.

3) The advantages of continuing your studies after SPM

               Studying to a higher level is very important to students after SPM. As a student, we must have the ambition and vision to succeed up to the ivory tower. However, without the encouragement and motivation within ourself, what we seek in just an empty daydream. Therefore, a student must be highly motivated to ensure that they can achieve what had they deserve. In addition, there are advantages to be appreciated by every student nowadays because they got financial support from parents. Indeed, parents play an important role in providing support to their children so that their children have the opportunity to continue studies. Next, the adge that can make the students to pursue their studies is the influence of the friends from the same age group. It is very strong to attract students in a competitive lifestyle in order to get a better life in the future.

4) In Asia, Malaysia has been listed as the fifth highest country with shoplifting cases. Explain why crime seems rampant nowadays.

             In the modernized world, there are still has cases of shoplifting in the community. In Asia, Malaysia has been listed as the fifth highest country with shoplifting cases. The dismantling cases of shoplifting was due to the irresponsible habits of society, which does not consider what the adverse effects that may encountered on the individuals, family and community. Besides that, shoplifting also caused from poverty. This was due to difficulties encountered living, for eating and jobs that give people a little income make a person steel yhe items store. Pressure from peers is also a major cause of the occurrence of shoplifting. This was due luxury lifestyle practice has caused they want to have what their friend have.

5) Nowadays, Malaysian television programmes have been conquered by reality shows. Discuss the disadvantages of such programmes.

             Is it true that Malaysian television programmes have been conquered by reality shows. Tendency to entertainmentand fiction in the community now have been lead director and screenwriter also create different types of background story nature imagination superstition and illogical, negative programmes. In addition, there are programmes on television now mostly not useful and waste of time. Most of story that shown are does not give any benefit to the audience, but also harmful to the children and youth who are growing up. Besides, the programmes reality has taken a lot of expenses in terms is not just sponsorships but fans money will also be burnt like that. Waste of money accours when the audience influenced by the programmes and artist are obsessed with their reality show and willing to produce a sum of money to vote for their preferred artist.

6) Dictionary is essential in language learning

              In this modernized world, the problem of the use of words in the english language among students is very disturbing. The importance of dictionaries in language learning is able to assist in the correction of spelling, vocabulary and pronunciation. Use dictionary also can make us recognize new words. Futher, we can also help students find and use vocabolary correctly. In dictionary, there are many new  vocabulary with meaning appropriate to be used either to make essay or dialogue. In other situations, the dictionary also useful to refer the new pronunciation learned. One oe more pronunciation can be seen in near the beginning of the dictionary pronunciation key to help you interpret written pronunciation.

7) v - blogging or video blogging is one of the lattest technology used by people around the world

         Lately, the use of v - blogging is one of the popular applications used by people in our country who often get extensive ceverge in the mass media around the world. There are many benefits that can be obtained through the v - blogging such as leisure, do business and communication. Most of the v - log users are particularly fond of using this website as a hobby to fill the spare time to update the blog. Business large and small can benefit from video blogging. Good videos can increase your web audience and your ranking in web searches. Futhermore, by using video blogging, we can communicate with people around the world.  

8) Cases of baby dumping in Malaysia are getting worse. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon

            Nowadays, more and more rampant baby dumping symptoms among students and everyday a hot topic in the newspaper or electronic media in our country. Main factor for this problems is lack of understanding the problem of religion within society as a whole. Futher, when there are no religious upbringing, they easily influanced with pornographic pictures that is easily available in electronic media and usually the youth will easily get caught up doing these unhealthy symptoms. Program on television now not filtered properly and western movies too many broadcast. Malay film even have negative elements. In addition, there is no monitoring of distant from their parents, they are easily influenced by friends. Neglect in giving love is one of the types of abuse that leaves a bigger risk that much happening in the community.

9) Blogging is an activity where people can post entries or commentaries about events. Describe the benefits of blogging.
              In the present of era IT technology, the use of blogs increasing the attraction of society worldwide. This is because the blog has many benefits and is particularly suitable as a hobby during free time. By using a blog, we can release our stress on the fault. Many bloggers now using blogs to vent pent-up feeling in the heart such as feeling angry, sad, love and hate was expressed in the blog. Blogging also can make new friends around the world. This site is a great place to socialize and get to know many people. Moreover, blogs can also be used as a sharing of knowledge. Knowledge can be shared as current issues such as health. motivation and more.

10) Hari Raya or Eid is celebrated by all Muslims around the world after a month of fasting (Ramadhan). Describe the celebration of Hari Raya (Eid) in your hometown. 

             Hari Raya or Eid is one of the greatest festivals of muslims. It is celebrated to mark the end of Ramadhan. All muslims celebrate the day with great joy. In the morning, they go to the mosque to pray. Then after that, they visits the graves of the deceased and recite surah Yassin for the late. The best part in Hari Raya which people will celebrate it with eat variety of food and cookies such as rendang, ketupat, lemang, satay, biscuits and more. Hari Raya Aidilfitri is interesting event because all the mistake and hatred are been forgives and forget. Each of family members would apologize to each other either older or younger. One thing that i like the most is my grandmother, my parents and relatives would give me the Hari Raya money.